Why to use GetFreeAPI.com?

What is API Management Platform?

API Management (APIM) is a way to create consistent and modern API gateways for existing back-end servicesAPI Management helps organizations publish APIs to external, partner, and internal developers to unlock the potential of their data and services. What does this mean???

For example, An organization has multiple API services, let's say 3 (API1, API2, API3 each one of them in a di). Each one of these services got their controller and management, so in case if we are creating a new API App/Service, we need a different token to monetize or at least to get the connection up between the App/Service and the API(ex. API1). So, if the Same App/Service needs to call API2 and API1 together, that means we need another token/Auth/Basic Auth to access API2, so in this case, we are in need to have another connection with API2, which in our case we need another Token to include within the App/Service to get the Data from API2, and so on.


Without APIM


The image above shows that we have multiple connections with a different color for each service or App, also, each one of these colors needs an Auth/token/basic Auth to access the end API service, and get Data from that API. So the image above we have 3 Different paths and URLs, that made our development harder, and increase the probabilities of failing with more effort to find the reason while we have different providers for or APIs and each one of them would respond in a different frame or format, the response codes should be similar, but no constant response to make our debug process within each app/service easier. Also, if we are going to add a new Service or App we need to do the same process for each one of these APIs separately, which makes adding new App/Service with a new Access point is harder and more complicated each time we have more Apps or Services. Let's Imagine, we are adding a new API service and wanted to connect it with 3 apps or services, how long is going to take us.


Let's not forget about the security issues when our Apps and Services are Public with a direct connection to our APIs, how would it be easy to be hacked.


On another hand, let's imagine one place to organize and add tokens and connect our Apps and Services to without the need to get to the endpoint APIs, for three of them without the need to access them directly, however, we should be able at least to get the data from a URL or path to sync our apps and services using the usual methods like GET, POST and more. This is what we call it management Platform or Service and because it's all about the APIs we call it API Management Platform/Service(APIM).



In our Example Above, As we can see some links connecting each App and service to the APIM and in this case, is Get Free API getfreeapi.com, and all Apps and Services are indirectly connected to different APIs, and in this case, we call it the reverse proxy, because we are sending/retrieving data from an external API, but using the APIM URL and Auth instead. Benefits are simply as below:

1- We connect the APIM to each API once with one Token/Auth/Basic Auth 

2- In API Management or Service must have Proxies and Apps to use for all dependent Apps and Services

3- Get full control of the API through the APIM instead of each one separately 

4- For New API we just connect it to the APIM once, and then assign the Apps or services that can use this API

5- For new Apps and Services, you just need to create or use existing Token that the APIM gives you, and with the one, you can access all APIs that been assigned to this token.

6- Secure by 2 layers APIM and the Original API

7- Developers control the APIs access in one place instead of different services



Why using GetFreeAPI.com?

https://getfreeapi.com/, Free API platform, for Analyses, Monetize, Developing and managing of all API proxies in one place. Get Free API built using simple PHP/JQuery optimized to give the best Functionality possible. Get Free API is public, no need to install or download any software anywhere on cloud or on-premise, it's a platform hosted on the cloud, fully encrypted. Get Free API is a proxy and reverse proxy Platform, which can give you the ability to host your API directly on it without fees of API calls. Fully Automated Dashboard to Give you the most Information on your Proxies and Requests, Plus the Ability to cache external APIs get by ID calls to save money and be able to give your clients more and more.


  lets Compare Get free API with the Benefits Above,

1- We connect the APIM to each API once with one Token/Auth/Basic Auth 

** by clicking on one button, you would be able to add Headers, token and more to your connections with this API 

- You can assign apps and Services that you created to this API, so they can access this API with the same token that already been shared with your Apps before

- Add Headers 

- Add Token for Auth direct 

- Custom Body as an extra body that would be sent with every call to this API


2- In API Management or Service must have Proxies and Apps Tokens to use for all dependent Apps and Services

The image as above


3- Get full control of the API through the APIM instead of each one separately 

4- For New API we just connect it to the APIM once, and then assign the Apps or services that can use this API

5- For new Apps and Services, you just need to create or use existing Token that the APIM gives you, and with the one, you can access all APIs that been assigned to this token.

6- Secure by 2 layers APIM and the Original API


7- Developers control the APIs access in one place instead of different services


Extra From GetFreeApi.com 

1- Cache your Get calls to optimize and save money instead of getting the same results 10+ times you can get charge for one but show it 10+ for different apps and services

2- Create a new API and customize your Fields as needed directly from the UI 

3- Free of Calls charges

4- No need to Install anywhere, it's all there to use directly from the same platform

5- API ability to use all methods with all proxies or reverse proxies

7- One admin with unlimited apps and services

and more



GetfreeApi Created and Founded by Sam Elayyoub, please feel free to contact me @ [email protected] for more information,

For enterprises who would love to own Get Free API Platform, and wanted to host privately it on-premise or cloud, please feel free to contact me for the price. 



By: Mutasem Elayyoub