Which One Is The Original? A Quiz For Look Alike Celebrity Fans

Celebrities are beautiful, talented, and unique individuals. But what happens when they have an uncanny resemblance to another celebrity? We've rounded up a list of celebrities that can be mistaken for each other.


What are celebrity lookalikes?


There is no denying that some celebrities bear an uncanny resemblance to other famous faces. It's part of what makes them so fascinating to us! We can't help but wonder if they are related or if they just have one of those faces that everyone seems to know.


While we may never know the answer to that question, we can still enjoy the fun of trying to guess which one is the original in these look alike celebrities pairs. Take our quiz and see how you do!


How does the appearance of a celebrity affect how society sees them?


The way a celebrity looks definitely has an effect on how society sees them. People are constantly judging celebrities based on their appearance and using that to form opinions about their talent, work ethic, and even their personal lives.


For example, if a celebrity is always seen in public looking disheveled and unkempt, people are going to assume that they don't care about their career or their image. On the other hand, if a celebrity is always perfectly groomed and dressed, people are going to assume that they take their career very seriously and are very disciplined.


Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, the way a celebrity looks definitely affects how society perceives them.


Celebrities in movies and music videos


In recent years, it seems like celebrities are everywhere. They're in movies, on TV, and even in music videos. With so many celebrities out there, it can be hard to keep track of them all. So, we've put together a quiz to see how well you know your celebrities.


For each question, we'll show you two pictures of a celebrity. One is the real celebrity, and the other is an impostor. Your job is to identify the real celebrity. Good luck!


The science behind how people can look like celebrities


Whether it’s because of their money, power, or looks, celebrities always seem to be in the spotlight. And with the advent of social media, fans can get an up-close and personal look at their favorite stars on a daily basis. But have you ever noticed that some people seem to resemble celebrities?


It’s not just a coincidence either; there is actually science behind why some people can look like celebrities. According to Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center, there are three main reasons why people may resemble celebrities:


1. Genetics: We all get our physical features from our parents, so it stands to reason that some people may share certain facial characteristics with celebrities who are related to them genetically.


2. Bone structure: The shape of our bones also plays a role in how we look. For example, someone with a narrow face and high cheekbones might be more likely to resemble a celebrity with similar features.


3. Muscle structure: The way our muscles are arranged also contributes to our appearance. So if someone has the same muscle structure as a celebrity, they may end up looking like them as well.


Celebrity lookalikes in the media


The media is full of lookalike celebrities. Can you tell which one is the original and which one is the copy? Take our quiz to find out!


1. Which one of these is NOT a celebrity lookalike?


A) Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck

B) Marilyn Monroe and Madonna

C) Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson

D) Cher and Lady Gaga


2. Which one of these pairs of celebrity lookalikes are actually related?


A) Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck

B) Marilyn Monroe and Madonna

C) Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson

D) Cher and Lady Gaga


3. Which celebrity lookalike was once married to the original?


A) Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck

B) Marilyn Monroe and Madonna

C) Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson

D) Cher and Lady Gaga


4. Which celebrity lookalike has impersonated the original on Saturday Night Live?


A) Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck

B) Marilyn Monroe and Madonna

C) Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson   D) Cher and Lady Gaga

What does this say about look alike celebrities?

There are several things that this quiz says about look alike celebrities. First, it suggests that there are a lot of celebrities who look alike. This is probably because there are a lot of people in the world who look alike. Second, it suggests that people have a hard time telling apart celebrities who look alike. This is probably because people tend to focus on different things when they are looking at someone's face. Third, it suggests that people are more likely to believe that two celebrities who look alike are actually the same person if they share the same first name. This is probably because people often associate people with the same first name as being more similar to each other than they actually are.



Do you have what it takes to tell the original from the look alike? Take this fun quiz and find out! With so many celebrities looking alike these days, it can be hard to keep track of who is who. But if you're a true fan, you should be able to tell your favorite stars apart from their doppelgangers. So put your knowledge to the test and see how you fare on this quiz. Good luck!

By: news blare